The 麦哲伦项目

A unique feature of W&J College, the 麦哲伦项目 is a project of possibilities. When you pursue a 麦哲伦项目, you choose to take the lead in your educational experience. W&J College provides funding so that you can set sail in the summer months, exploring a passion, 感兴趣, 实习, a study abroad opportunity, 研究之旅, or all of the above. You're out of the classroom, learning the ropes of whatever you've set your sights on. It could be right around the corner or right around the world.

What is a 麦哲伦项目?

A 麦哲伦项目 begins with your idea to create an opportunity to pursue your passions in an original way. 教师 advisors provide the coaching and support you need to take your project from idea to reality. For your project, you write your proposal, detail the plan, and set the budget. Once approved and funded, your adventure begins. On this journey, you'll discover more than you might have imagined.

Marcy Salvidar poses in Portugal where she went to study attitudes around disability for her 麦哲伦项目.

Hear Their Stories

The best way to see the diversity and potential of the 麦哲伦项目 is to see what others have done and be inspired to discover what you can do.

After completing my first Magellan in Florida…I had the idea to study baseball, but I wasn’t sure how I could make it a research project. Then, I thought about how players come from all over the world to play in the U.S.


“我的W&J education has encouraged me to travel and experience cultures that are different from what I know. My independent research gives me the opportunity to get experience studying something that I will have a career in in the future,凯尔西说.

Kelsea Siter '20

With a recommendation from Professor of Biology Candy DeBerry, Ph.D., Weston pursued a position as a wildlife ecology apprentice with The Wilds, a conservation center associated with Jack Hanna’s Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

Weston Henley '20